“In todays film industry here in europe, Monika Buttinger is one of most sought-after costume designers. She took the top price in her field at this years Diagonale Film Festival, as well as the esteemed Max Ophüls Price.”

Ben Rylan
in Monocle’s “The Cinema Show”
Episode 106, Chapter 3

known for



Nomination Austrian Film Award 2024 Best Costume for “A whole Life”
Nomination INOCA Filmaward 2023 for Best Costume Design for “Corsage”
Nomination IDFS Filmaward 2023 for Best Costume Design for “Corsage”
Nomination CFCA Filmaward 2023 for Best Costume Design for “Corsage”
Nomination VHS Filmaward 2023 for Best Costume Design for “Corsage”
Austrian Filmaward for Best Costume Design 2023 for “Corsage”
BAFTA Shortlist for Best Costume Design 2022 for “Corsage”
Nomination Austrian Film Award 2021 Best Costume for “Where No One Knows Us”
Diagonale Costume Award 2020 for “Where No One Knows Us”
Diagonale Costume Award 2017 for “The Migrumpies”
Nomination Austrian Film Award 2016 for “Therapy for a Vampire”
Diagonale Costume Award 2013 for “Talea”
Diagonale Costume Award 2011 (with Veronka Albert) for “Day and Night”
Max Ophüls Preis 2002 for the Costume of “Step on It”
Nomination Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film 2009 for “Revanche”


Lecturer for costume design at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw) Austrian Film Academy, since fall 2023
Solo Exhibition at Berlinale 2023 with costumes from “Corsage” view gallery gallery
Permanent exhibition at WIENMUSEUM with fencing costumes from “Corsage” at Sissi original gym view gallery gallery
Solo Exhibition at Medienkulturhaus Wels 2017 view gallery gallery
Solo Exhibition at Women’s Film Days 2017
Workshop Youki Film Festival 2017
Solo Exhibition “special costumes selection” 2017


“Perla” 2024, Golden Girls
“Zweitland” 2023, Starhausfilm
“GINA” 2022, Film AG
“Rickerl” 2022, 2010 Entertainment
“Ein ganzes Leben” 2022, Epo Film / Tobis
“Eismayer” 2021, Golden Girls
“Love Machine 2” 2021, Allegrofilm
“Corsage” 2021, Film AG
“Rubikon” 2020, Samsara/Graffilm
“Märzengrund” 2020, Metafilm
“Fox in the Hole” 2019, Golden Girls
“The Way Things Go” 2019, Film AG
“Side Effects and Risks” 2019, Epo Film
“Where No One Knows Us” 2018, Wega Film
“Love-machine” 2018, Allegrofilm
“Oskar & Lilli” 2018, Wegafilm
“The Ground Beneath My Feet” 2017, Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion
“Party Hard Die Young” 2017, Gebardtfilm
“Cops-we do bad things to bad people” 2017, Golden Girls
“L’Animale” 2016, NGF / LabandaFilm
“The Migrumpies” 2016, Golden Girls Filmproduktion
“We Used to Be Cool” 2015, Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion
“Place of Shelter” 2015, Allegrofilm
“Chucks” 2014, Dorfilm
“Beautiful Girl” 2014, Allegrofilm
“One of us” 2014, Golden Girls Filmproduktion
“Gruber geht” 2014, Allegrofilm
“Therapy for a Vampire” 2013, Novotny & Novotny Filmproduktion
“The Forbidden Woman” 2013, Aichholzerfilm
“Talea” 2012, la banda
“Im weißen Rössl” 2012, Zieglerfilm / Graffilm
“The Horse on the Balcony” 2011, Minifilm
“360” 2011, DOR Film
“Crossing Boundaries” 2011, Prisma Film
“Black, Brown, White” 2010, Allegrofilm
“Day and Night” 2009, Mobile Film Filmproduktion
“Luks Glück” 2009, Punkt Punkt Punkt Filmproduktion / Intervista Digital
“Revanche” 2007, Prisma Film / Spielmannfilm
“For a Moment, Freedom” 2007, WEGA-Film / Film du Louange
“Mr. Kuka’s Advice” 2006, Opus Film (PL) / Prisma Film
“42 Plus” 2006, DOR Film
“Teenage wasteland” 2004, Nowotny Film / Misami Film / Känguruhfilm
“Kotsch” 2004, Lotus Film
“Free Radicals” 2002, Coop 99 / Ventura Film
“Two Fathers for Conny” 2002, Starfilm
“Fräulein Phyllis” 2001, Fischer Film
“Blue Moon” 2001, Lotus Film
“Step on It” 2001, Prisma Film
“White Cherries” 2000, Aichholzerfilm


“8” 2024, Film AG
“Schnee von gestern” 2023, Dorfilm
“Sexuell verfügbar” 2023, Majestic Film
“Heribert” 2022, Aichholzerfilm
“Dunkle Wasser” 2022, Gebhardtfilm
“Steirergeld” 2021, Allegrofilm
“Steirerstern” 2021, Allegrofilm
“Weihnachtsepisodenfilm” 2021, Golden Girls
“Vier” 2020, Film AG
“Curling for Eisenstadt” 2018, Gebhardtfilm
“Die Notlüge” 2017, Epofilm
“Die Ketzerbraut” 2016, TV 60 / Aichholzerfilm
“The Forbidden Woman” 2013, TV 60 / Aichholzerfilm
“Das Vermächtnis der Wanderhure” 2012, TV 60 / Aichholzerfilm
“Die Rache der Wanderhure” 2011, TV 60 / Aichholzerfilm
“Plötzlich Fett” 2011, DOR Film
“Born to Dance” 2011, epo film
“Beate Uhse – Das Recht auf Liebe” 2010, Zeitsprung Köln
“The Whore” 2009, TV 60 / MünchenAichholer Filmproduktion
“Tschuschen:Power” 2008, Nowotnyfilm
“Aloha im Dreivierteltakt” 2007, Laufbildfilm GmbH
“Daniel Käfer und die Schattenuhr”, Teamfilm
“Die verschwundene Frau” 2005, Starfilm
“Das Tor zur Hölle” 2005, Lotus Film
“Schön, Daß es Dich gibt” 2005, Starfilm
“Lambeck” (working title) for Universum (Dokumentary) 2005, Aichholzerfilm
“Gefühl ist alles” 2004, Starfilm
“Kleine Schwester” 2003, Colonia Media
“Frechheit siegt” 2003, Starfilm
“Der Briefbomber” 2000, Multimedia


“Wie Schnee hinter Glas” 2004, MOJO
“Rocketman” 2003, Eyemotion
“Rescue Service” 2000
“Der Keller” 2002, Film Fest


Theater Costume
et al for “Cats” (Musical 2017), “Carmen Cubana” (Musical 2016), “Annie” (Musical 2015), “the wiz” (Musical 2013), “Hänsel und Gretel” (Spieloper boys’ Choir), “Sauschlachten” (Stadttheater Klagenfurt), “Neues aus dem Mäuseland” (Raimundtheater Wien), “In 80 Tagen m die Welt” ( Kabarett Niedermeier)

Photo Styling
et al for “SWAROVSKI”, “OMV”, “Eurocard”, “Recheis”, “Humanic”, “Palmers basic”, “ONE”, “Nöm”, “Wiener”, “Maxima”, “Gössl”. “Wiener Linien”, “Schwarzkopf”, “A1”

Fashion Editor
et al for “Die Presse”, “Die Österreichische Textilzeitung”, “Wiener Zeitung”

Fashion Design
et al for “Opening alpine ski world cup 2013”, “Opening alpine ski world cup 2001”, “Eisbär”, “Airfield”, “Sando”, “Stapf”

Costume Library

Since 1995 there is an extended costume rental and workshop on 100 square meters in Vienna

Member of

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and SciencesEuropean Film AcademyDeutsche FilmakademieAkademie des Österreichischen Films


Born on 23.9. Wels, Upper Austria
1986–1991 Kunstgewerbeschule Linz
(School of arts and crafts or school of applied arts)
1992–1995 Fashion Design Diploma Vienna/Hetzendorf
since 1995 independent work in the areas of costume,
fashion design, fashion editors and photo styling

Press Reviews

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