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+43 676 920 38 43
+43 664 321 85 21
Selzergasse 32, 1150 Vienna, Austria
Privacy Statement
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Copyright © 2025 Monika Buttinger. All rights reserved.
Terms and Conditions
Point 1:
The photo package, which is made available on this website, contains photos in which the rights to Monika Buttinger are entitled. Exceptions to this are photos in which a note is attached that the rights are held by third parties.
The photos to which the rights of Monika Buttinger are entitled are available for free download under the terms of use. Registration of the user is not required. By downloading the user accepts the terms of use of these photos. The entire image material contained is protected under copyright law.
Point 2:
Insofar as the right to free use of the work, in particular according to § 42 UrhG, does not exist anyway, Monika Buttinger grants the
not exclusive,
temporally and spatially unlimited
Permission to use the images of, to which the rights of Monika Buttinger are entitled, free of charge
for non-commercial purposes,
for editorial purposes of the media and
for purposes in the field of political education
to reproduce, distribute, transmit, publicly present or make available on the Internet.
Any further use, in particular for advertising purposes, is not permitted.
Point 4:
When publishing the photographic material, the depicted subject must be assigned to the image source and the respective photographer. The originator of the picture material is the name of the photographer.
Point 5:
When using the images from, editing without the prior written consent of Monika Buttinger or the author is not permitted. Exceptions to this are size changes, minor color corrections and minor detail changes. Downloaded images may not be used in a meaningful context. It is the provisions of copyright law, in particular the image protection (§78 UrhG) comply. In any case, the use of pictorial material, which leads to a demeaning of depicted persons, is inadmissible.
Point 6:
Monika Buttinger has to submit a complete voucher copy free of charge for every printing unit produced using artwork by Monika Buttinger (Monika Buttinger, Selzergasse 32, 1150 Vienna). When using the images in online media, Monika Buttinger is to send a note to the corresponding page indicating the URL.
Point 7:
A violation of the Terms of Use will result in the immediate cessation of the granted use license. After an unauthorized use of a photo and a renewed acquisition of a license for this photo is excluded.
Point 8:
The liability and warranty of Monika Buttinger is limited to the existence of the granted use license and intentional or grossly negligent fault. Any further liability and warranty is excluded. The legal consequences of a copyright infringement resulting from the use of the pictorial material are governed by the applicable copyright law. Monika Buttinger is not liable for damages incurred by the user from the expiry of the license to use the work.
Point 9:
Jurisdiction for any disputes arising from the use of images is Vienna. The use is subject to Austrian law.
For questions related to the use of the image material – contact Monika Buttinger –
2022, Vienna
I have read the terms of use and agree.
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